Northern Lights Car Smellie

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4.00 (in)
6.00 (in)
0.20 (in)
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Product Overview

The amazing aroma of rich mahogany, black teakwood and dark oak make watching the northern lights even more incredible.*



*This scent attempts to imitate the fragrance Mahogany Teakwood, sold by Bath and Body Works. Although remarkably like the original name brand version, it is not absolutely identical. Shelly’s Smellies LLC is not affiliated in any way with Bath and Body Works. We do not sell, nor have we ever sold, any merchandise produced by Bath and Body Works, and none of our products are sponsored, licensed, or endorsed by Bath and Body Works. All trademarked names and service marks remain the exclusive property of their respective owners.








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  • 5
    Favorite Smellies

    Posted by Sarah Duenas on Jul 31st 2023

    Anytime I am in Branson I stock up!!! You can find them at Dicks 5&10. I’ve used these for several years now and these are absolutely my favorite. They last so long!!! I was recently in the 7Brew drive thru and the guy taking my order said oh my goodness your car smells amazing…. I said Oh here ya go, I have extras and gave him one. Definitely give them a try!!